- Zoom in on Navajo history
- Get curious about the tribes of the Southwest
- Share feedback on project
- Get some stuff checked off your list
Starter: Pop-Quiz on this Google form!
Kit Carson (PBS)
How does the video's perspective on Carson differ from the Bury My Heart account?
Group Work (Google Doc it and share with all, as per usual! Or use paper!): "Long Walk of the Navahoes"
1. Make a basic list or timeline for the main events of the chapter
2. What questions do you have about these events?
3. What types of primary sources would you look into to inquire into this history?
4. What perspectives would you need? What information would you want?
5. How could the story be told in a completely different way than the way Dee Brown tells it?
In the same groups...populate this Google Doc:
What do we wonder about the tribes of the Southwest?
Feedback Check-In
A new idea...
1. Finalize your essay and turn in.
2. Honors: Project Work?
3. If you are ready for this (essay done, etc.), begin a DP update for Wounded Knee mini-project. Include:
- a brief description of assignment and context
- textbook passage and reflection
- film essay
- any images to enhance content (cite)