Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 26

Four Corners
  • In order to combat racism, we should all try to be colorblind.
  • We talk about race too much in America. Talking about race and racism makes the problems worse.

Starter (In prep document):  Who Are WE? (fill in your thoughts and observations on the prep sheet
React and Discuss:  How does this video function as a piece of rhetoric?  
For whom is it convincing?  Why?  
How does the speaker seek to make himself more credible?
What is your personal reaction?

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: : Josiah Strong (1885)
Highlight several key phrases that you feel exemplify the perspective of this article
Fill in the space on the seminar prep packet under “Responses to discourse”

Share with a neighbor your reaction to the reading.  What did we think of Josiah Strong?  What is his claim?  Is it convincing?  Why or why not?
Do you still see this ideology in the American experience?  How does this resonate with Richard Spencer?  Is this a fringe perspective nowadays?  

The Color of Fear, “Red Ground” Scene
How does this rhetorical exchange between the two men exemplify an ideological conflict that we still see in America?

Some more media clips:
White Nationalism in America

Clip from “Chelsea does Racism” (Netflix 30:00-39:00)

Two blogs:  
By David Marcus, (conservative blogger)
By Awesomely Luvvie,
(liberal blogger)

EXPLORE THE ALT-RIGHT!  (See links on your prep document)