Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday, September 21

Starter 9.21:  What are some of the takeaways you have from the sessions with the former presidents Jefferson and Jackson?
What are some new thoughts and/or questions you now have about America and her history?  (see questions below for prompts to spur your thinking.

Impromptu seminar/discussion:
Share out some of your thoughts and questions!
What struck you most about what these two men shared?  
What new thoughts about America do you have now?
What new thoughts do you have about the ideological contradictions in our founding documents?

Jefferson avoided answering questions about modern politics directly, but he implied that we could infer from his answers what he would have thought.  What do you think he would have thought about our contemporary politics and leaders?

Jefferson spoke to the disagreement he had with Hamilton over how much direct democracy to give the people (the “rabble”).  Hamilton wanted a layer of protection between the whimsies of the rabble and the educated class of elites.  Jefferson wanted to educate the rabble so they could participate in democracy.  Looking at our current politics, what do you think of this disagreement?  Who was right?

What did you think the Jefferson quote: We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”  What will be the barbarism that our ancestors remember us for?  What are we complicit in that will appall future generations?

Jackson (as everyone) was the product of the ideology of his time. Did he tweak your thinking at all about what you have learned about Manifest Destiny?

General Course Questions
How do we think about America differently than we did a month ago?
In what ways are we exceptional?  What do we want to change about our country?
Are we the country that Jefferson founded? If not, how do we get there?  

JOURNAL 9.21:  Process your thoughts on any of the above questions and the course content so far.  Where are you currently in your thinking about the project essential question:  What do I believe about America and why?