Starter 9.27: (record in seminar/quiz prep document): Reparations for our history of racial injustice?
Do you think the UN Commission on Human Rights found correctly in this case?
Schedule Change? Seminar Monday, Quiz Wednesday?
Four Corners
- The United States should officially go through a process of Truth and Reconciliation to deal with the oppression and racial injustice in our past.
- Affirmative action is reverse discrimination against whites
Affirmative Action refers to a policy or program providing advantages for groups who have experienced historical discrimination with the aim of creating a more egalitarian society through preferential access to education, employment, health care, and social welfare. We will be focusing on race-based educational affirmative action.
Record your reaction in your seminar prep document.
Discuss: How does Edward Norton’s character exemplify an ideological perspective on race in America?
Independent Work Time:
Two blogs:
By David Marcus, (conservative blogger)
By Awesomely Luvvie (liberal blogger)
Other Media:
Storycorps Interview: Alex Landau’s story
Macklemore’s “White Privilege” (Lyrics here)
Without Sanctuary (watch flash movie or explore the postcards themselves)
Optional: White People (add a row on your document!)
Other sources of your own finding? (add rows on your document!)
TO-DO before Monday: Be sure to consume all the media found on this sheet and annotate your thoughts for seminar.