Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday, September 13th

Starter 9.13:  In what ways is your chemistry project rhetorical?  
In what ways is your chemistry project ideological?

REVIEW Website analysis assignment from Wednesday

Key question:  What are the features of rhetoric that set it apart from other types of discourse?

  • Listen intently and annotate for the characteristics of rhetorical discourse that Herrick outlines in his article. 

FIRST:  What are the components of the Rhetorical Situation?
1.  What is the message?
2.  Who is MLK Jr.?
3.  Who is the audience?
4.  What is the purpose?
5.  What is the historical context?

Group Work:  Rhetorical Analysis of “I Have a Dream”

HOMEWORK: Finish Herrick "Overview of Rhetoric" for next Tuesday. Continue working on reverse outline.