Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday, September 17

Starter 9.17 MLK Jr. /MALCOLM X

Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary

  • How do both MLK’s and Malcolm X's rhetoric impact you personally as an "audience member," an American (or a non-American), a student of rhetoric? 
  • Reflect on the ideological progress we have or haven’t made as Americans since the exigency of the Civil Rights Movement.


  • How is Malcolm X’s message both similar and different from MLK’s?
  • What exigency do they have in common?
  • How are their appeals different?  What might this have to do with audience?
  • Which rhetorical strategy do you think has been more effective at bringing about change?  Why?

Kneeling during the national anthem is an appropriate way for NFL players to protest what they see as injustices in our society.

If time: Rhetoric is a Response and Invites a Response
How do we see the different ideologies (ideas about American life) in this rhetorical exchange?