- Familiarize yourself with some frameworks of "sense of place" as characterized by relationships to place and community attachments.
- See how others establish their sense of place.
- Begin to generate ideas for your sense of place essay
1. Categories of Sense of Place: Relationships to Place and Community Attachments
- Starter: Read through the categories. Circle at least one of each that resonates with you in terms of your sense of place.
2. Sense of Place Essays from Orion Magazine
- PAIR SHARE: Which of the categories of sense of place seem to apply here? What sort of relationship to the place does the author have? How would you characterize is his community attachment?
READ AT LEAST 3 OF THE ESSAYS ON orionmagazine.org, asking the same questions of each. Think about how the authors establishes sense of place in ways that are personal and authentic. Each has his or her own style and distinct connection to place.
Note your connections and observations in your journal. For each of the three essays you read, quote the text where you see these elements. (Label the entry "Orion Essays" and indicate which essay you read.)
- Which of the categories of sense of place seem to apply here?
- What sort of relationship to the place does the author have?
- How would you characterize his/her community attachment?
- Does the author reveal his/her environmental ethic?
Suggested reads:
Oakland, CA
Name the journal entry after a place, such as in the titles of the Orion essays, i.e. “Weminuche Wilderness” (rather than “My Place”). This can be an expansion of yesterday's freewrite. Write about that place with details that attempt establish your connection to that place.
Name the journal entry after a place, such as in the titles of the Orion essays, i.e. “Weminuche Wilderness” (rather than “My Place”). This can be an expansion of yesterday's freewrite. Write about that place with details that attempt establish your connection to that place.
Pair share journal entry. After
reading your partner's entry, try to identify how they are characterizing their
relationship with place. Have a brief discussion about your project ideas
thus far for your own sense of place essay.
WORK TIME: Work on Inspiration Journals #7 and #8
There will be a robust amount of Edward Abbey to read next week. If you want to work ahead and begin to peruse the readings, here they are:
Freedom and Wilderness, Wilderness and Freedom
Excerpts from Desert Solitaire