- What is his environmental ethic?
- How can you relate this video to the course content?
- How is this an example of taking action as we are defining it for this project?
- What is his "WHY"?
1. Add your idea to the class brainstorm if you haven't done so already.
2. By the end of the hour, show me that you have a draft of your project proposal based on the handout Rachel gave you. Final Proposal for this is due next Friday, May 1.
3. Sense of Place Draft due at midnight!
When you submit your draft to me, include in the body of the email...
- Identify what is strong about your writing at this point. In which content areas is your strong? RUBRIC
- Identify which relationship(s) to place and/or community attachment(s) you are trying to reflect in your essay.
- Identify which content areas of the rubric you think you need to work on most.
- A focusing question or an explanation of how you want me to focus my feedback.
4. Conference with me on NAS project.
5. If you are finished with your draft, work on your Take Action proposal.
6. Honors, read Their Eyes Were Watching God