Monday, April 20, 2015

How are you currently answering the project's essential questions?
1. How does energy production impact* place?
2. How does your sense of place**, environmental ethic and understanding of our energy needs influence your perception and decisions regarding energy production
*In defining “impact” you can think about it in terms of the impact on the culture, the health of individuals, the land, the economy, technology and scientific progress, future generations, and/or the sustainability of the resources of a specific location or the planet as a whole.
**“Sense of Place” is a concept that describes the quality of people’s relationship with a place. However, you will develop a definition of sense of place that most resonates with you. Some questions you may consider include: Does sense of place include a connection to the natural world separate from people? Does it include people? Does it include a local sense of place or global? Do you define your sense of place as one of economic positioning, social class, geographic location, and/or connection to community and people? Do you define it as very particular spot that holds special meaning to you? Does your connection to land shape your identity? Do you feel rootless or disconnected from community and/or place?

TURN IN:  Inspiration Journal with Completed Rubric, self-assessed

Essay Draft Deadline Review and Announcements
    • Peer critique is TOMORROW.  Bring a printed copy if you prefer that, otherwise, your critiquers can track changes electronically.  (How are we looking for this draft, kids?)
    • Drafts are due to me electronically for feedback this FRIDAY, April 24th, by midnight. You must submit evidence of 1 peer critique  BEFORE I will critique it.  If you cannot make this deadline, talk to me.
    • You'll need to work on your take action project between now and its deadline of May 21st.
    • Check out the helpful resources below for your sense of place writing assignment
    • This Wednesday, Rachel Landis is coming from the FLC Environmental Center for a workshop on taking action!
    • A word on Native American Studies projects....CONFERENCES in the next two weeks.


Draft due for Peer Critique tomorrow!
HONORS:  Read Their Eyes