Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, January 6

Choose scribe(s). Make a copy of this document so that you can annotate the main points of your conversation.

  1. Plot clarification:  What questions do you have about the storyline and plot?  Are you confused about anything?  Help each other clarify the plot!
  2. Character Analysis:  Review the characterization and discuss the significance of the following characters. Bullet-point the main points of your discussion.
    1. Winston
    2. Julia
    3. O’Brien
    4. Mr Charrington
    5. Big Brother
    6. Emmanuel Goldstein
  3. Discussion Questions:  (Bullet-point the main points of your discussion.)
    1. Discuss the significance of the Party’s slogans (WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH) and the names of the government Ministries.
    2. What is the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate?  
    3. What is up with the Proles?  Why doesn’t the Party bother much with them?
  4. Intertextuality: (Document the main points of your discussion)
What are the connections between 1984 and Brave New World?  What are the differences?  Which seems more realistic?  OPTIONAL:  Include The Hunger Games in your intertextual discussion. (‘Tis the dystopian story of your generation.  Take it in, kids!)  

  1. Seminar Question Generation:  As a group, come up with at least 5 seminar questions that might help us get at the deeper meaning of 1984 in Monday’s seminar.

WORK TIME! Get ready for seminar Monday! Whatever you don't get through is homework.