Film Screening: Harold and Maude
Harold and Maude Seminar Prep
Think of a film as a text. Annotate it as you watch, analyze, look for evidence. Refer to the specifics of the film in seminar!
AFTER THE MOVIE….Prepare answers to some or all of the following questions, using evidence from the film to support your answers. Print out your seminar prep and bring it with you to the seminar.
1. Is Harold and Maude an existentialist film?
2. What are the roots of Harold’s angst and alienation? How do his ideas about happiness and meaning evolve as a result of his relationship with Maude? How does his character change?
3. Has Maude has achieved Eudaimonia at the end of her life (deathbed question)? Would Aristotle see her as having cultivated virtue and the Golden Mean? Or do you see her as an existentialist?
4. What message is this movie trying to transmit? What might it be trying to teach us about Happiness and Meaning? How does it impact you personally? Is it rhetorically effective for you?
5. Identify 2-3 impactful quotes from the film and explain their literary significance.