- Turn in 1984
- Turn in yesterday’s work (Q’s on Aristotle reading)
- Honors: Turn in The Stranger and the Book Club Reflection/Synthesis (Izzy, Liam, Kate, Quinn make-up?)
- Next Honors book due March 2
- If you were absent for the film, you have through the weekend to make up Journal 1.20.
- Sign out Into the Wild if you haven’t already.
Starter 1.24: What is your personal definition of “a life well-lived”? At the end of your life, what do you hope to be able to look back and say?
JOURNAL 1.24 Reflections on Aristotle’s Philosophy:
After the lecture and reading, how are Aristotle’s ideas on Happiness and a Meaningful Life resonating with you? What do you reject? What questions does it raise for you?
Harold and Maude Seminar Preview
- Film meets philosophy: Intertextuality!!!
- The film is a cult classic from the 1970’s starring Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon with an original soundtrack by Cat Stevens.
- We will watch the film with attention to the philosophical lenses we have been studying: existentialism and Aristotle’s Eudaimonia.
- You will annotate the film and answer seminar prep questions before Thursday’s seminar.
- After the seminar, you will write a reflection and a synthesis. The synthesis entails several paragraphs of analysis with evidence based on a literary claim drawn from the seminar themes.
Into the Wild Literature Circle Guidelines (first 60 pages due Monday; note prep guidelines)
- Journal 1.24
- Finish and turn in the Aristotle Q's from yesterday
- Read Into the Wild and work on Literature Circle prewrite assignment