Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday, January 11

1. Start anew at the top of your Digital Comp Book.  Space down all of the content from first semester so that it isn't battling for attention.
2. Create a header that says "My Life on Earth: Starters/Journal" at the very top.
3. Work under this header for the duration of the project.
4.  Continue to label starters and journals clearly as labeled on my DP. (Starters will always be signified with the date; journal entries will usually have the date plus a title or label.)
5.  As before, see the link on my Resources/Links tab to catch up on starters and journal entries.  I will try to highlight necessary entries in blue on my DP each day.

Let’s start!

Starter 1.11:  Watch Alan Watts' "What do you desire?" and freewrite on the following questions:
  • What is the purpose of your existence?
  • What gives your life meaning?
  • How do you define happiness?

Stanford Research Reveals...
In PAIRS, discuss and jot down some notes:

  • Briefly summarize 3 different ways the researcher distinguishes between happiness and meaning
  • Overall, how would the researcher, Jennifer Aaker, define happiness? How would she define meaning?
  • According to her definition of these two concepts, which do you think is more important? Why? 

JOURNAL 1.11 Stanford Research Reaction:
  • Do you agree with Aaker's classifications of happiness and meaning? In other words, are they as separate as Aaker makes them out to be?  Can they exist without each other?  Which do you feel is more dominant in guiding your choices and thoughts in your current phase of life?  Explain your thoughts thoroughly and give examples.  (These comp books are just between you and me!)
Work Time/Homework:
Turn in the Book!
Turn in Seminar Prep/Coaching
Finish Seminar Reflection on 1984 (Due at the end of the hour!)
Read/annotate The Meaning of Life” by James Rachels.  Think about the questions that this article brings up and/or attempts to answer.  (Do you see intertextual connections?)
Honors (and anyone else):  Check out and read The Stranger, our first Honors book and a core text of the philosophy we call “Existentialism.”
OPTIONAL:  If you haven’t seen it or would like to watch it again, review the documentary Happy.  Think about the conclusions about happiness and meaning the film is making.
OPTIONAL: Watch Obama's farewell speech and make intertextual connections to our seminar yesterday and your thinking about democracy and authoritarianism.
If you were gone on Monday, review:
Philosophy Project Preview:  Your Life on Earth

Second Semester Honors Preview:  Philosophical Inquiry and Literary Studies