Starter 1.12: Choose a quote from the reading (“The Meaning of Life”) that struck a chord with you personally. Explain what the quote means to you and how it might relate to your developing philosophy about the meaning of life.
- Pursuing meaning is more important than pursuing happiness.
- In order to have a better life, we should focus on the "now."
“The Meaning of Life” Jigsaw
- Five Groups (one for each section of the reading 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5)
- Each group will present the following for their section:
- Summarize the main points of your section. Include explanations of any key terms that arise in your section.
- Find a quote that stands out and seems to exemplify the “thesis” or big insight of that section.
- Write a philosophical question for your section that a person searching for the meaning of life might seek to answer for themselves. (Write this question on the board for your section.
JOURNAL 1.12 “Meaning of Life” Freewrite: Freewrite on one (OR MORE) of the philosophical questions that came out of the reading, all the while processing your own ideas on the meaning of life. Incorporate your own ideas on the reading if you like.
Read "Shades" by Boleslaw Prus
(I recommend reading it at least twice) Interpret the story! Annotate your thoughts, questions, and confusions in the margins. What could the author be suggesting about the #meaningoflife?
*A note about interpreting literature: There is not ONE right answer that we are looking for when we analyze literature. There are many theories about how to approach literary criticism ("deconstruction" is one, in fact), but for now, open yourself up to whatever the lit might be saying to you, rather than trying to find some predetermined, absolute meaning.