WOOHOO! You guys are amazing! Congrats on making it through the final push!
Reflection due by next Friday
Literary Analysis Essay due May 11 (see syllabus page 2 for resources)
Today, finish your DP Update/Project Reflection:
Create a DP Post that contains the following elements, refined and aesthetically arranged:
1. Title of Project: The Ethics and Chemistry of Food and Cooking
Paragraph 1: Describe the project (what we did in both classes)
Paragraph 2: Reflect on your group’s meal
Paragraph 3: How did the interdisciplinary nature of this project impact your learning?
Paragraph 4: What are your main takeaways from studying food academically? How has your thinking about food changed from before?
3. Food Ethic Essay
3. Chemistry Reflection
4. ARTIFACTS: Photos, Recipes, Menu, and any other tidbits from the experience that you feel would make your DP beautiful and interesting!