Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25

Did you sign the thank you notes?

Room Set-up
1. Arrange tables in 6-tops.
2. Sit with your groups.
3. Plan your display: Make lists. See link to doc.

  • What do you need to print for your display?
  • Who brings what tomorrow?
  • Think about decor AND artifacts.  Make it beautiful!

4.  Clean?  Help with sheets?  Other room decor?

1. TITLE!  Centered and Bold, one step larger font
2. Name underneath title, not bold
3. Get a proofread and make sure your formatting is clean.
4. Print and mount on black paper.  If you aren't quite done with the essay, you are responsible for this step before tomorrow.  I will be putting the printer away at the end of the day.