Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18


Most groups did not complete all of the tasks for Monday!  Please do so immediately!  Look below...what did your group not tell me?

Meal Planning (guidelines here)
By the end of the hour, you should submit to me the following information on a Google Doc
1. All group members' names
2. Date, time, location of your meal
3. A guest list and an explanation how they were/will be invited. (Hey, are Steve and I even invited?)
4. A full detailed menu with complete ingredient list and task delegration (who does what?)
5. An estimated budget for each piece of your menu, including a $ amount that you are requesting from us
6. An explanation of how your theme will be manifest at your meal
7. An explanation of how you plan to document your meal in order to present it at ASE

Add to your task list:  Introduction to the Meal

  • Who will speak to introduce the purpose of the meal to your diners?  What will they say?

Add to today's work:  Submit a "write-up" for what you will personally say about the science and ethics of your own contribution.

Do you need to conference with me?