New range for dates: You can execute your meal anytime between Thursday, April 19 and Tuesday, April 24. Check in with groups about nailing down a time and place on the calendar. This opens it up to potentially be a slow food lunch on Saturday or Sunday:)
Due next Monday to Steve and Jessica:
- A detailed menu with task division indicated
- An ingredient list for each component of the meal
- A proposed budget based on your ingredient list, including a request for funds (This means you should establish how much each of you can contribute to your own meal. Steve and I can only afford to give each group around $75.)
Here is a good resource to help you determine the difference between the genre of the personal essay and more academic or "transactive" writing.
Here is a good resource to help you determine the difference between the genre of the personal essay and more academic or "transactive" writing.
On Wednesday, we have some awesome guest speakers. Rachel Turiel and Dan Hinds will be here to discuss their food ethic and how they feed their family in a myriad of ways. Rachel is a local food writer who edits Edible Southwest Colorado. If you would like to check out her blog before Wednesday, click here: http://6512andgrowing. com/.